Scouting for adventure on the Peninsula

Getting youngsters involved in outdoor adventures and challenges helps them to achieve their full potential and have fun.

Friendships and memories made in Scouts can last a lifetime.

Make Friends

Make friends for life and share adventures that you’ll remember forever.

Find Adventure

Discover who you are and what you’re capable of. Engage with the world around you and find your place.

Build Character

Learn to look beyond yourself. Help others, get active in your community. Help make the world a little bit better.

Friendships and memories made in Scouts can last a lifetime.

Make Friends

Make friends for life and share adventures that you’ll remember forever.

Find Adventure

Discover who you are and what you’re capable of. Engage with the world around you and find your place.

Discover Yourself

Learn to look beyond yourself. Help others, get active in your community. Help make the world a little bit better.

What are you waiting for?

Visit Us

Scouts Den, Portrane Road, Donabate, County Dublin, K36 HO48


Garry Wiley
Group Leader

Liz Brett
Deputy Group Leader

Laura Hewitt
Group Secretary

Philip Honer
Group Treasurer

Darragh Brett

Meeting Times

Beavers - Mon 7pm to 8pm

Cubs - Wed 7pm to 8.30pm

Scouts - Thurs 7.30pm to 9pm

Ventures - 1st Thurs of every month